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WWG and Recup against social exclusion and food waste

Industry: No Profit Association
Location: Milan
WWG, innovative software house and Recup association together for a software development project that avoids food waste and social exclusion

Key Facts

  • The phenomenon of food waste has deep roots and to be avoided requires a tool that facilitates the recovery of food and its free distribution

  • Application able to manage the 250 volunteers, monitors the quantities of food saved and tracks how the entire community collaborates to recover what is recovered from the local markets.


Datas related to food waste are still dramatic. Often recovering food means fighting social exclusion because for many people the food that is discarded is a source of livelihood. In agreement with our CSR we thought of an app that facilitates sharing regardless of social status, age, ethnicity but instead using Data Analysis tools.
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Recup is an association that wants to fight food waste and social exclusion: you recover food before it is thrown away, you divide it between good and not, you redistribute it to anyone who wants to take it. The beneficiaries are the same performers of the work: in this way a concept of collaboration and community between different people is created, an intercultural and intergenerational contact that was previously lacking. What has lost economic value can regain social value.

The challenge

Use a informatic tool able to manage the data related to the activities of the association. Recup grows year after year (25 tons of edible food saved during 2020 that have helped almost 5000 Milanese families) and is expanding in many Italian cities.
The commitment against social exclusion takes the form of a well-structured project. Recup wants to create a recovery point in every area of Milan so that each district can manage its market and satisfy its inhabitants and, at the same time, all districts are linked by the same project, become nodes of a city network.

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This "glocal" approach has guided the creation of a management system to track in real time the activities of all volunteers engaged in the recovery operation in all the controlled markets. WWG has optimized the insertion of data exhibits, has implemented some new fields to tie volunteers to their area of reference and has created an administration panel to have some data held in hand considered essential to better approach the problem of social exclusion: (connected partners, affiliated facilities, donors, associated users)
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  1. Recup like a startup. New lean, agile and frugal approach to prioritize the initial phase of the development project, test the platform immediately and gather user feedback.
  2. Data analysis with dashboard on the admin panel homepage for quick visibility of some Kpis of Recup projects.
  3. Mobile sensitive app to allow those who organize the activities of volunteers to intervene more quickly in those districts less manned.


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