With the advent and success of social networks, today’s communication is increasingly characterized by the use of images and videos, compared to text and words. Is it possible to find the equivalent of the hashtag to carry images? The answer was given by Logograb who worked on a "visual hashtag" through an innovative application. The advantage of this app, immediately launched thanks to some high-profile cloud services, is to take the place of Qrcode or other tools based on unique codes to be generated at every use. Companies that want to communicate a message, a discount, a promotion or stimulate any other type of action just focus on their brand.
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The Logograb app captures corporate brands. The logo, in fact, is the reference point for all strategic communications of a company. Thanks to the app created by Logograb and the services offered by WWG, you can find the logo of a company and you can have access to a range of content. The logos, in fact, are already everywhere: on t-shirts, signs, shoes, packaging, posters, newspapers, trams, taxis... We needed very direct, effective, transparent communication to entice people to test this new tool.The challenge
Logograb can scan logos. Thanks to a lean approach and an agile way of working, the startup of Alessandro Prest and Luca Boschin was able to impose itself immediately as a very effective tool to associate logos, brands and proprietary images to corporate communications.Today the app is also and above all a tool available on the b2b market to measure the performance of its logos. Originally, however, the important goal of Logograb was to create an open database of logos.

Build an easy-to-use tool that entices anyone to frame a logo with their mobile phone and live a digital experience. In addition to cloud services, UI/UX services, the DevOps model has enabled fast, efficient product delivery and the resolution of complex problems. Problems, high-level proprietary technology data, easier.

- The app immediately demonstrated great performance and great opportunities in terms of scalability even at a key moment in the company’s history (funding research, community building, MVP).
- Having available best practices in software development has given greater awareness of concepts such as sharing knowledge, documentation, code convictions. The Logograb app has been developed with truly state-of-the-art development methodologies.