Kippy is an innovative Italian start-up that develops Customer IoT (Internet Of Things) devices able not only to locate their pet at any time, but also to monitor its daily activities.
The challenge
After an MVP and the first release of the app, an investment round ended with great success. Kippy, a company founded in Milan in 2014, was therefore looking for a technology partner that would allow it to take its pet-tracker to a higher level. The goal was to realize a real platform (Api, Mobile per Android e per iOS & Web App) able to communicate in real time with an Iot device.
Do you want to know more? We are at your service!

In phase two of the project, vice versa, the basic idea was not only to exploit the most advanced localization technologies and some proprietary algorithms, but it was above all to build a system of messages in real time to improve the health of the dog or cat according to its actual needs and its behavior. All traced with an activity monitor system.
The solution
After an MVP and the first release of the app, an investment round ended with great success. Kippy, a company founded in Milan in 2014, was therefore looking for a technology partner that would allow it to take its pet-tracker to a higher level. The goal was to realize a real platform (Api, Mobile per Android e per iOS & Web App) able to communicate in real time with an Iot device.
Localization, mobile apps and other functions
In addition to geo-localization, thanks to it's possible visualize the position of your four-legged friend in real time so you can easily find it, through an un algorithm owner,, Kippy recognizes the animal’s activity and indicates a personalized program based on race, age and weight. It’s possible to know what the animal is doing at any time and keep track of running, sleep, play, calories consumed during the day, relaxation, number of steps.
With the life messages, thanks to the use of a mobile app you are always connected and close to your pet. By receiving personalised messages, you will better know its needs and state of well-being, keeping under constant monitoring what happens to your animal at all times of the day.

- Realization of the first version Mobile App native iOS and Android and the Web App welcomed very well by the press and easily accepted by customers.
- Defining an Iot and Back-end device communication protocol
- Scalable cloud architecture based on the amount of received datas