The client
1Trueid is an innovative start-up that patented an advanced system of certification of quality and authenticity of products. Through the use of Iot technologies, unique codes and other state-of-the-art technologies, 1Trueid is able to ensure to the big brands that rely on its services a valid certification: it concerns both the individual product and its entire production chain, and thus avoids possible counterfeiting or fraud. In addition to the storytelling of product quality, 1Trueid guarantees its users constant traceability, a blockchain system to protect transactions and a rich database on which to do analysis, statistics and marketing actions. The objective of the startup, therefore, is to bring together a series of advanced technologies to achieve a goal: the protection of all the parties involved in the buying and selling process.

The challenge
1Trueid already developed a first prototype mobile application for reading products, but they still needed the collaboration of a technological partner to improve it, implement new features and make it more suitable for entry into the market. The goal was to evolve the product and make it more flexible, safe and scalable.
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After carrying out a feasibility study, WWG developed a dual infrastructure to satisfy both product users as vendors (Web Apps) and end customers (Mobile Apps with QR and NFC reader). A first element of fundamental importance to consider was the satisfaction of both the users of the product: the vendors and the final customers. The former, through the use of the platform, can certify the authenticity of their products (and of the entire production chain) and monitor their movements.The latter, in the same way, have the certainty of being in front of an original and certified product, can attribute or release its ownership and share some information.
Mobile App
The pre-existing infrastructure of the mobile app has been reworked and implemented some new features thanks to the use of AWS technologies.End customers can scan the QR codes or read the NFC and view a detailed information sheet of the object. Thanks to, in addition to becoming aware of data such as measurement, color and material, they can verify that the product is authentic and actually comes from the declared trademark. They can also attribute or release ownership of a single product and share its image and some ancillary information externally on instagram.
Web App
1Trueid desktop application was created entirely by WWG to provide a range of additional services to vendors. They can access their profile and consult a dashbord that shows the history of actions carried out on individual products, displaying the reading and sharing events clearly on a map. Having this information at your disposal you can also analyze and reuse it in marketing perspective, designing targeted campaigns. They can also query the system and know the exact quantity of products available in real time.

Was reached the zero downtime for the release, and front-end and back-end have been made 100% scalable. Use of AI monitoring of the entire stack and continuous integration (CDCI) has been also introduced.