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CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)

COVID-19. The financial crisis. Environmental sustainability. Digital divide. Marginalization. All of these create unique challenges that we all must face together in the present day…

Companies that practice Social Responsibility activities or CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), are increasingly forced to redefine their operating framework and identify their commitment to achieve a more equitable and socially cohesive society.

It is hard for us at WWG not to think about the everyday work environments of people all around the world. We are a team of professionals, but first of all we are a group of people. To do this, as much as possible we try to have a systemic approach.

Each of us, simply, tries to ask ourselves as frequently as possible this question: how can I influence with my work the fate of groups of people going through adversity?

Every day we build a strongly inclusive work culture in which all employees feel appreciated and can constantly improve. To make sure that the concept of belonging is genuine, we do everything to ensure that our workforce guarantees gender equity. We work to ensure that the company organization facilitates the participation of women and all business processes take into account diversity.

Diversity comes in many forms: sex, background and ethnicity, are just a few examples. Having a heterogeneous team means working in a way so that different points of view are heard which, in turn, make our projects better and gives the products of our customers an edge they would otherwise not possess.

This page is a tool of communication, transparency and sharing of what we believe to be good practices in the field of CSR.

Here are our priorities for 2022 in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals, SDG, set by the United Nations and defined as a strategy “to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all”.

«WWG educates customers, suppliers, employees, trade unions and institutions with which you enter into a relationship so that you always look at difficult situations and forms of hardship. This is an important requirement so that we can work together efficiently, not lose alignment of values and try to redistribute everything good we have been able to build over the past twenty years»

Mohamed Deramchi, CEO e Founder di WWG


Here are all our CSR initiatives:


In accordance with the values of our CSR we are helping some associations that aim to improve exchanges and iterations between people, communities and peoples. WWG strongly believes in free, equal, generous and convinced trade in material and moral wealth.


The phenomenon of food waste has deep roots and to be avoided requires a tool that facilitates the recovery of food and its free distribution. WWG has created an application capable of managing 250 volunteers, monitoring the quantities of food saved and tracing how the entire community collaborates to recover what is recovered from the markets. #wwgxrecup

"Supporting Recup, the bearer of our own values, is a source of great pride. At the global level, the data on food waste are still dramatic and knowing that there is an entire community working to recover food from local markets, redistributing to the community itself, makes us feel part of the change"

Mohamed Deramchi, CEO & Founder WWG


To become protagonists of a personal life project, to acquire a greater awareness and one’s own potentialities, to move the focus from the attainment to the improvement, to find stimuli and motivations. These are the objectives of the project “Let’s learn to use the OKR” dedicated to the students of the third year of the Machiavelli Institute in Pioltello, in collaboration with AIOKR, Italian Association OKR, and WWG, Italian software house.

"The pandemic and remote learning has provoked in young people a continuous state of apathy and dissatisfaction, making them move away, first of all from sociality, and from what may be their plans for the future. This initiative is born from the will to transmit a method that can stimulate students"

Mohamed Deramchi, CEO & Founder WWG


At WWG we work to have the least negative impact on the environment, the economy and the community using environmentally sustainable resources and implementing socially responsible policies.

For this reason we decided to welcome our customers by giving them a tree, as a gesture of gratitude and love for the planet and for ourselves.

From the smallest to the highest, from the long-lived to the most delicate, from the one that grows spontaneously in a forest to the one that is planted to give us its fruits, each with its own intrinsic characteristics contributes to protecting the environment by fostering economic development and food security, combating the climate crisis and desertification, helping to support people in difficulty and creating jobs in developing countries.

Treedom will be the partner who will support us in this initiative.

By connecting to their web site our customers will have the opportunity to track the life of their trees, monitoring the growth and care with which they will be planted and cherished.

We hope our initiative  can help nature, and show to those who work with us the green heart of WWG.

"The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is now."



WWG contributes directly to achieve SDG 17 through its participation in different projects and initiatives as P.E.A.S.  and cooperating with green partners as 17tons and Recup.


Who are you helping?

Do you want to talk about your non-profit activity? Maybe together we can organize a useful project for the community in which we live.